
Member of the IMages, leArning, Geometry and Statistics team (IMAGeS) group, ICUBE lab (UMR 7357), sub-group Biomedical image processing.

Member of the transversal research program Imaging and Robotics for Medicine and Surgery (IRMC).

Member of the IHU of Strasbourg (Institute of Image-Guided Surgery of Strasbourg).


Current projects

Automatic planning for neurosurgery (Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) for epilepsy, craniotomy for brain tumor resection), using geometric constraint solving and multi-criteria optimization.

Image segmentation and 3D reconstruction.

Works in collaboration with INRIA Rennes (group Hybrid), INSERM Rennes (group MediCis at LTSI), CENIR-CRICM in Paris, INRIA Strasbourg (group Mimesis), and the hospitals of Rennes-Pontchaillou, Pitié-Salpêtrière Paris, Strasbourg and Colmar.


Real time tracking of needle insertion, replanning in deformable environment, applied to abdominal percutaneous surgery.


Works in collaboration with TU Darmstadt, GRIS Lab, Interactive Graphics System Group / IHU Strasbourg / TIMC-IMAG, GMCAO Group

Planning of flexible (articulated) needles and multiple insertions.


Works in collaboration with IHU Strasbourg and INSA Strasbourg.



Past projects

Automatic preoperative planning for thermal ablation of tumors in the liver and kidneys.

Works in collaboration with Pr. Leo Joskowicz, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the University hospital of Strasbourg.


3D simulation and automatic planning of percutaneous procedures for interventional radiology: ablation of hepatic, renal, prostate tumors using RadioFrequency or cryoablation. Planning of robotic interventions.

Simulations using virtual reality and haptics.

Modeling of heat propagation.

Works in collaboration with IRCAD, IHU, and Strasbourg Hospital.

Interaction in immersive environnement with haptic feedback or touchless interfaces. Works on 3D haptic menus.  
Intelligent and guided navigation within solutions spaces, generated by the resolution of geometric constraints or multi-objective optimization. Animation contrained objects, 3D contraintes.   



Medical imaging - Computer-Assisted Interventions - Automatic preoperative surgical planning - 3D simulation - Geometric constraint solving - Solution space browsing - Multi-criteria optimization - Navigation - Virtual reality - Augmented reality - Interaction - Haptic interfaces - Radiofrequency ablation - Cryoablation - Neurosurgery - Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) - Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) for epilepsy - Planning of robotic interventions.


Diplomas and past affiliations 

  • In sabbatical (délégation) at INRIA (2008-2010)IRISA lab, Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique INRIA center, Visages group
  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (2011): "Modélisation géométrique et réalité virtuelle pour l’assistance à la planification de trajectoires en chirurgie mini-invasive" (Geometric modelling and virtual reality for computer-assisted planning of trajectories in the context of minimally invasive surgery)
  • Post-Doc at IRCAD (2002): "Simulation d'ablation de tumeurs du foie par Radiofréquence percutanée incluant l'effet de la vascularisation" (Simulation of liver tumors ablation using percutaneous radiofrequency, with modeling of the effect of vascularization).
  • PhD (2001) : "Sélection dans l'espace des solutions engendrées par un plan de construction géométrique" (Selection in the solution space produced by a geometric construction plan)


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